This image shows: Vaihingen university Mensa

Vaihingen university Mensa

General information to accessibility

Address: Pfaffenwaldring 45, 70569 Stuttgart
Further Names: Mensa

The building is partially accessible.

The 4-story building houses the Vaihingen university cafeteria, the Cafeteria “Denkpause”, the student workspace "Universum", the Open Learning Space of the MINT Kolleg (STEM College), the Infopoint Vaihingen of the Studierendenwerk, the nursery “Die Uniflitzer”, the copy shop “S'Kopierlädle”, the grocery store “Frischemarkt Roth”, an ATM of the Volksbank Stuttgart, and a branch store of the bookseller “Wittwer”. Renovation of the building is planned.


The nearest public transport stop is the S-Bahn stop "Universität"(lines S1, S2, S3). Only the exit "Universitätszentrum" has an elevator and is accessible. The bus stops "Universität" (lines 82, 84, 91, 92, 746. 747. 748, N1) and "Universität" (loop / lines 82, 84. 746. X60), have a barrier-free access path. Only the ground floor of the cafeteria as well as the "Mensa Restaurant" are accessible for wheelchair users, but there are no automatic doors. The main Mensa floors on 2nd floor have a steep newel staircase with single-sided handrail. The ramps inside the Mensa are not accessible and have no intermediate landings. The corridors between tables are usually blocked by the support grid. The Mensa Restaurant on the ground floor is accessible for wheelchair users, but they are going to need assistance opening the door.

Entrances and connections to other buildings are located on all sides of the building and on several floor levels. For the blind and visually impaired, we recommend to include the building in their mobility training, as it is very labyrinthine and angled and the entrances are difficult to find.

Step markings are missing. The freestanding stairs have no underrun protection and pose a risk of injury. The glass doors are not marked. Partly mirrored support columns and walls are barely noticeable. Diffuse light makes orientation difficult.

There is a public parking space on the corner of Pfaffenwald-/Allmandring.

The freight elevator is not freely accessible and can only be operated by personnel. Please contact the service counter.

Almost all the entrance doors are revolving doors. The entrances still have a normal door next to the revolving doors, but that door can only be opened from the inside.

There is an accessible restroom on the ground floor of the cafeteria (freely accessible).

Contact in case of emergency: from 4 p.m.: Security guard Vaihingen
Emergency number: 0711 685-64444



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