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City of Stuttgart supports the REALIST research project with the Climate Innovation Fund

June 13, 2022

750,000 euros for the implementation of this sustainable project
[Picture: IFT]

On May 20, 2022, the state capital Stuttgart's Committee for Climate and Environment agreed to support the REALIST research project within the framework of the Stuttgart Climate Innovation Fund. With the Climate Innovation Fund, the City of Stuttgart has been promoting innovative ideas for climate protection and climate impact adaptation since 2021. Up to 750,000 euros will be made available for the implementation of REALIST.

As part of REALIST (Real-World Laboratory for the expedited electrification of urban logistics transport in Stuttgart), the Institute for Power Transmission and High Voltage Technology (IEH) and the Institute of Mechanical Handling and Logistics (IFT) at the University of Stuttgart want to work together with industrial partners and associations from the logistics and energy sectors to advance the electrification of urban logistics transport in Stuttgart.

As part of the project, an integrated logistics and power supply concept for sustainable electric city delivery will be developed and tested in a real-world laboratory in an industrial estate in Stuttgart. The participating transporting companies will be putting an e-truck to the test, using it to carry out company operations. A feasibility analysis will accompany this practical test, with the aim of creating a climate-innovative power supply and logistics concept for electric city delivery. The REALIST project is characterized by the unique coupling of logistics and the power grid, which will hopefully lead to the development of concepts that are not only economically, but also technically feasible.

The IEH and IFT will be managing the REALIST project and also providing scientific management. Research at the IEH focuses on topics from the field of energy supply, while the IFT investigates the logistical aspects. Full partners in the project are Emons Spedition GmbH, Herbinger Transporte and LSU Schäberle Logistik & Speditions-Union GmbH u. Co. KG. Associated partners are: BPW Bergische Achsen KG, Daimler Truck AG, Intralogistik-Netzwerk in Baden-Württemberg e.V., the state capital Stuttgart, Netze BW GmbH, Schwarz Logistik GmbH, Smart Grids-Plattform Baden-Württemberg e.V., Stuttgart Netze GmbH and Verband Spedition und Logistik Baden-Württemberg e.V. Project leader at IEH is Professor Krzysztof Rudion, at IFT Professor Robert Schulz.

Further information about the project and about the Climate Innovation Fund.

The industrial estate in Stuttgart-Weilimdorf
The Stuttgart Climate Innovation Fund

Professor Krzysztof Rudion
Tel. +49 711 685 67872

Professor Robert Schulz
Tel. +49 711 685 83771

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