"Declaration on Research Assessment“ signed

September 19, 2023

Responsible research assessment

The University of Stuttgart recently became one of the first German universities to sign the . DORA, initiated in San Francisco in 2012, sees an urgent need to improve international standards in research evaluation, and calls for research to be assessed primarily on qualitative aspects - particularly through process of peer review - and criticizes the focus on quantitative tools such as the journal impact factor. By signing the declaration, the University of Stuttgart continues its commitment to meeting the highest scientific quality standards.

Manfred Bischoff, Vice Rector for Research and Early Career Researchers says: "Signing DORA is an internationally visible sign that the University of Stuttgart is dedicated to ensuring and promoting scientific quality through reliable instruments." The new statutes for safeguarding good scientific practice, which were approved in June 2023, already implement the core ideas of DORA in the relevant areas. Other signatory organizations include the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat), and five other, primarily technical universities and renowned professional associations.


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