Since mid-February, the Chairman of the Board at Netze BW GmbH, Dr. Christoph Müller, has been serving as a new Honorary Professor at the University of Stuttgart. Müller has been teaching energy sector economics since 2016 and his courses strengthen the interdisciplinary orientation in business and engineering courses at the University of Stuttgart.
"Christoph Müller's long-term commitment to teaching is a great asset for our university," says Prof. Wolfram Ressel, Rector of the University of Stuttgart. "Central pillars for keeping abreast of technological progress and introducing future-oriented ideas from the University of Stuttgart into the competitive arena include excellent teaching and a close collaboration between science and industry,” he continues: "That's why it's all the more important for us to familiarize students not only with the theory, but also with the corporate world."
Dr. Müller concurs: "I always take new ideas from the University of Stuttgart for my work at Netze BW. An in-depth exchange of ideas with the scientific community is extremely important, especially when it comes to drafting the right regulatory framework for facilitating the energy transition,” he says: “Which is why I am delighted to have received this honor.”
Between 2016 and 2021, Müller worked tirelessly to promote the University of Stuttgart's interests as a member of the University Council. He is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Society for Intelligent Energy and Resource Utilization (Gesellschaft für intelligente Energie- und Ressourcennutzung e.V.), which sponsors the University of Stuttgart's Institute of Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use (IER). Since 2016, he has been teaching at the Chair of Controlling of the Institute of Business Administration at the University of Stuttgart in the fields of corporate control and regulation management in the energy industry. His courses can also be taken in several engineering degree programs, thus strengthening the interdisciplinary orientation of the university.
Professional career
Dr. Christoph Müller studied economics at the University of Münster before completing an MBA at Warwick Business School. Following three years working in the UK energy industry, he joined the EnBW Group in 2000, where he held various management positions before becoming a member of the Netze BW GmbH management board in 2013 and its Chairman in 2015.
He is the founder of and served as Chairman for many years of the "Regulation in Network Industries" working group at the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft e. V. (Schmalenbach Society for Business Administration). Dr. Müller has already published an impressive body of scientific work, which showcases his academic expertise in the field of business administration.