Dr. Maren Scheel awarded the Bertha Benz Preis 2023

December 6, 2023

Every year, this prize is awarded to a woman from the field of engineering sciences whose dissertation results makes a valuable contribution to society.
[Picture: Felix Meinhardt ]

n her dissertation ("Experimental Nonlinear Modal Analysis - Method development with particular focus on nonlinear damping") written at the University of Stuttgart, Maren Scheel developed an experimental method for determining vibration characteristics. This makes it possible to better predict the behavior of jointed structures. This method is used both in the energy industry (e.g. for wind turbine rotor blades) and for engine blades in aircraft engines.

Bertha Benz Prize winner 2023: Dr.-Ing. Maren Scheel


Mareen Scheel, who completed her doctorate at the University of Stuttgart's Institute of Aircraft Propulsion Systems, was awarded the Amelia Earhart Fellowship Award endowed with 10,000 US dollars as a doctoral researcher.

Every year, numerous researchers at the University of Stuttgart are honored for groundbreaking and creative achievements. A selection of our award winners.

How can doctoral students, postdocs and professors receive recognition for their research? An overview of available prizes [de].

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