Evermood erweitert Angebot
Conflicts, worries and crises are part of life: The Corona crisis has brought many people to their personal breaking point, if they weren't there already. Since April 2022, employees and students who find themselves in a difficult situation can now get help from Evermood, in addition to the university's many advice centers.
Regardless of whether the problem involves sexual harassment, discrimination, psychological issues or family concerns; Evermood offers multiple forms of help - even anonymously. This is possible mainly due to the large number of internal and external points of contact. The site has been viewed 22,000 times by a total of almost 5,000 visitors since April, which shows how important this offer is.
In addition to information, videos and support, Evermood also offers workshops. As we progress into the last quarter of the year, the service will be expanded further as a direct result of high demand and positive feedback.
Over the past three months, employees were able to attend a total of seven events on Evermood. Ten events will be offered over the course of the next three months. In addition to the 60 minute workshops and knowledge impulses, shorter fifteen-minute formats - so-called Energizers – will also be on offer in the future, featuring exercises for more mindfulness and energy.
"The platform is constantly being expanded," says Silvia Meyer, Equal Opportunities Officer at the University of Stuttgart. "Two new topics have recently been added to the Conflicts & Crises section."
According to Silvia Meyer, the articles on personality types, which have been online since August and provide helpful impulses for daily cooperation in teams, are particularly popular. All the information is available in German and English and is fully accessible.
However, LGBTQ issues are particularly close to her heart: "It is important to me that the university also "flies the flag" via Evermood," she explains. Therefore, from October onwards, also on the initiative of the Rectorate and those involved in gender equality, there will be contributions on LGBTQ issues, and these will be gradually increased.
All workshops offered on the Evermood platform are free of charge and anyone interested is welcome to book a workshop at any time.
For employees and students of the University of Stuttgart: The University of Stuttgart encourages you to seek help in case of conflicts, crises and concerns. Here you will find information and contact persons - whether you would like to take advantage of digital, personal or anonymous counseling.