Exhibition “Space for Art“by Aurora Valero

January 22, 2018, No. 5

Art and Cosmos in the Institute of Space Systems at the University of Stuttgart
[Picture: Aurora Valero]

For years the Institute of Space Systems (IRS) at the University of Stuttgart has been enticing space experts and space enthusiasts with the traditional lecture series “A passion for space” to the Vaihingen Campus. Now art experts and art lovers are also now coming to the renowned space institute to see the exhibition “Space for Art“ by the Spanish artist Aurora Valero. In the images from the institute exhibition space and art enter into an exciting and fascinating relationship with each other.

IRS head Professor Stefanos Fasoulas emphasised the special significance of the art initiative “Space for Art“ on the premises of the scientific institute: “The art exhibition is a great event for our Institute of Space Systems. We are delighted that the artist will be attending the opening reception and giving an introduction to her cosmic artwork. Connecting lines between our scientific explorations of space and the artistic elimination of borders and insights of Valero become transparent in a special way in the images of the artist.“

Visitors will experience space and art so to speak on two parallel lines leading to infinity. In their respective specific perspective of the cosmos they search for accesses to the mysteries of life.   

The artist Aurora Valero will be speaking about her work at the IRS (Pfaffenwaldring 29, 70569 Stuttgart) on 25th January 2018 at 5.30 pm in the Boysen lecture hall and after this will take the visitors through the exhibition. Representatives of the media are cordially invited. 

This is what Aurora Valero says about the proximity of science and art: “Science and art attempt to approach the truth. Science does this in a logical and concrete way. Art goes the way of intuition in order to see what otherwise remains hidden: feelings but also findings. When I saw the universe with all the tensions, speeds, constrictions and regenerations, I experienced what moves everything – not only on our planet but in the universe: the incredible feeling of beauty that coincidentally appears but is perfectly structured.“

Aurora Valero

Born in 1940 in Alboraya, Valencia, Valero already discovered the great works of art history at the age of 13 and worked as an art educator after studying in Valencia. In 1988 she did her doctorate on the work of the Canarian artist Manolo Millares. Besides her rich artistic work she has taught at several Spanish art universities. She is a member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts San Carlos in Valencia.

The exhibition “Space for Art“ at the IRS runs until 31. July 2018.




Keplerstraße 7, 70174 Stuttgart

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