INSPIRE2Start Hub: Promoting sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship

October 7, 2024

Networked for start-ups: The state's Ministry of Science is funding six “Incubation Hubs for New Startups, Products and Innovative Research based Enterprises in Baden-Württemberg” (INSPIRE BW Hubs). The University of Stuttgart, along with other universities in the Stuttgart region, is actively involved in the INSPIRE2Start Hub.

The INSPIRE2Start Hub is an initiative of universities in the Stuttgart region that focuses on promoting sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship. The vision of the University of Stuttgart, the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Esslingen University, and Nürtingen-Geislingen University is to position the region as a key hub for sustainable start-ups. This will be achieved by connecting relevant stakeholders, fostering collaborative activities, and supporting innovative business models. Various ecosystem partners and networks are involved in the initiative. A particular emphasis is placed on impact and female entrepreneurship to cultivate a diverse and forward-thinking start-up ecosystem.

University of Stuttgart coordinates INSPIRE2Start Hub

The University of Stuttgart is responsible for coordinating the INSPIRE2Start Hub, ensuring the effective implementation of all initiatives and facilitating seamless collaboration among the partner universities. All participating universities bring their unique expertise to the project, each with specific areas of focus in impact entrepreneurship and sustainable development.

Vice Rector Brem: Stuttgart as a beacon for knowledge-based start-ups

Professor Alexander Brem, Vice Rector for Transfer and International Affairs at the University of Stuttgart since October 1, emphasizes, “Significant progress has been made in the start-up sector in Baden-Württemberg in recent years, including the launch of the state initiative Gründermotor, which serves as a public-private partnership established by the state of Baden-Württemberg. As part of the new complementary state program INSPIRE BW Hubs, another key initiative is being established in the Stuttgart region to transform promising ideas into innovative start-ups within the NXTGN network [de]. The state initiative NXTGN will therefore play an important role during my term of office as Vice Rector. Together with our partner universities, we are establishing ourselves as a beacon for knowledge-based start-ups, enhancing our visibility beyond regional borders.”

Universities are key drivers of research-based spin-offs

According to the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts (MWK), universities play a crucial role in fostering a forward-looking innovation system by generating and commercializing research ideas, particularly through the initiation and support of research-based spin-off projects. Thanks in part to state programs, awareness-raising initiatives and advisory support structures have now been established at nearly all universities in Baden-Württemberg. These initiatives aim to educate students and researchers about opportunities for entrepreneurial independence and to offer them optimal support in the development and enhancement of innovative product or business model ideas. As a result, a vibrant and tangible start-up culture has emerged at many university locations, emphasizing targeted support for entrepreneurs.

To enhance the networking of decentralized start-up potential at individual universities across the state and to strengthen connections with the NXTGN Startup Factory of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), as well as with innovation campus projects and various private sector start-up initiatives, the state is funding six regional start-up associations (INSPIRE BW Hubs). In each hub, multiple universities will collaborate to design and implement their start-up structures in the future. By pooling a larger talent pool within the hubs, cross-university collaboration is enhanced, fostering the formation of interdisciplinary and cross-institutional start-up teams. This will increase both the international and national visibility of the individual hubs and the attractiveness of Baden-Württemberg as a start-up location for investors.

The MWK annually provides a total of up to 1.8 million euros to support the six INSPIRE BW Hubs. The funding will initially run until the end of 2028, with follow-up funding planned.

Support for start-ups at the University of Stuttgart

The University of Stuttgart actively strengthens and promotes the start-up culture and entrepreneurial projects of its students and staff.

  • The Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science (ENI) offers a wide range of courses on the topic of “Entrepreneurship” for students of all study programs. Information can be found on the ENI's teaching page.
  • Students and staff looking to further develop their start-up ideas can receive free guidance from experienced coaches at TRACES, the university's transfer center, who will support them on their journey to launching a company.
  • The Technologie-Transfer-Initiative GmbH [de] (TTI) also supports founders in applying for EXIST grants.
  • The ENI “Entrepreneurship” newsletter informs twice a month about the latest news, events and competitions in the startup ecosystem.
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