For this project, Dr. Trüdinger, will investigate the importance of particular civil liberties for German citizens, as well as exploring under which conditions, and with which motives, the population would accept various sate interventions in the context of domestic security policies. Developments such as digitalization or changes to international security policies underline the importance of this issue. The analyses are supported by data collected via a nationwide telephone survey and an online survey conducted in 2016.
Personal information: Eva-Maria Trüdinger completed her German-French dual-honors degree in Politics and Social Sciences at the University of Stuttgart and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux. She has since worked as a research scientist at the Institute of Social Sciences. In 2011 she completed her doctoral degree, “Reformszenarien im deutschen Wohlfahrtsstaat aus Sicht der Bevölkerung. Wertvorstellungen als Reformkorridor?” for which she won the “Preis der Freunde” from friends of the University of Stuttgart for outstanding academic achievement. In 2012/13 she led the German sub-study (DFG) of the European Social Survey (ESS) and she has also led the DFG research project “The conditional support for civil liberties and preferences for domestic security policies in Germany” since 2015.
About the series “Female Researchers at the University of Stuttgart”
This series was created by the Gender Equality Unit at the University of Stuttgart.