Flyer Science March Stuttgart

March for Science: University of Stuttgart calls for participation

April 19, 2017, No. 29

Rector Professor Wolfram Ressel speaks at Stuttgart rally
[Picture: Science March Stuttgart]

On 22nd April 2017 people worldwide will be advocating the value of free science and demonstrating against “alternative facts” and populism. The University of Stuttgart too is supporting the “March for Science“ and is appealing to its scientists, employees and students to participate. The Rector of the University of Stuttgart and first chairman of the State Rectors’ Conference of Baden-Württemberg, Professor Dr. Wolfram Ressel, will offer his greetings at the Stuttgart rally at 10.30 am at Schlossplatz.

On behalf of the University of Stuttgart Wolfram Ressel pointed out, “The University of Stuttgart with its international orientation in the fields of research and teaching strongly opposes scientifically proven facts – wherever and for whatever reasons – being denied, relativized or put on a par with so-called “alternative facts”. A constructive dialogue presupposes reliable information, otherwise it is not only science that suffers but also society as a whole. That is why we are gladly appealing to members of our university to participate in this worldwide demonstration for the freedom of science. Scientific findings as a basis of social discourse are non-negotiable!“

The initiators of the worldwide “March for Science” are calling on people to demonstrate for the value of research and science and against a generally increasing anti-scientific worldview. Other demands are “the clear differentiation between trusted knowledge and personal opinion” as well as scientific findings as a basis of social discourse. 

Campaigns will be taking place in over 20 German cities. Also speaking at the event in Stuttgart besides Professor Dr. Wolfram Ressel (University of Stuttgart) will be Dr. Anna Christmann (Science Ministry), Professor Dr. Stephan Dabbert (Rector of the University of Hohenheim), Sarah Graf (AStA-chairperson of the University of Hohenheim), Dr. Annette Ohme-Reinicke (Lecturer at the University of Stuttgart and chairperson of AnStifter) as well as Rüdiger Vaas (Giordano-Bruno-Foundation). The presenter will be Christoph Houtman (Giordano-Bruno-Foundation Stuttgart/Central Neckar Region). Following the event in Stuttgart, the initiators are inviting people to take part in the Tübingen March for Science that starts at 1 pm on Tübingen Neckar Island. 

March for Science Germany:


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