New Vice Rectors join the rectorate team

July 18, 2018, No. 68

Public senate session on 07.18.2018: elections and changes to the university charter

In its public session, held on July 18, 2018, the senate at the University of Stuttgart elected the Vice Rectors for the first half of the third rectorate tenure, under the leadership of University Rector Prof. Wolfram Ressel. The new Vice Rector for teaching and Education is Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hansgeorg Binz, Director of the Institute for Engineering Design and Industrial Design (IKTD), and the new Vice Rector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer is Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Middendorf, Director of the Institute of Aircraft Design (IFB).

Rector Prof. Wolfram Ressel extends his thanks to the withdrawing Vice Rectors, Prof. Cathleen Kantner and Prof. Thomas Graf for their valuable work over the past few years. He has also expressed his satisfaction that the senate chose to follow his proposal for the new candidates. Ressel says, “The result of the vote will strengthen the university. We can now positively approach upcoming challenges and successfully lead the University of Stuttgart into a bright future.”

Follwing his election as Vice Rector, Prof. Hansgeorg Binz said, “In order to achieve recognition as a “University of Excellence”, we need expertly trained young scientists. This also applies to the industrial and scientific environment, of which the university is part. The MINT fields in particular are desperately searching for engineering and science experts and this brings with it the challenges of increasing and ensuring teaching quality, recruiting excellent new students and reducing the number of students who drop out of their chosen study program, offering financial support to the strongest students and modernizing the study program content as well as teaching and learning formats.”

Prof. Peter Middendorf emphasizes: “I am really looking forward to building on the successes of Thomas Graf as Vice Rector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer. The decision taken by the University of Stuttgart to create this Vice Rector position in 2013 as a third component alongside research and teaching was a pioneering decision and there have been many positive developments over the last five years. Our involvement in the University of Excellence strategy and the Entrepreneurship Center will provide a wealth of new opportunities and challenges and I am very happy to be able to put my knowledge, experience and enthusiasm to excellent use.”

The Vice Rectors were voted in unanimously for three years. The term of office begins on October 1, 2018. Prof. Thomas Ertl, the Vice Rector for Research and Advanced Graduate Education will remain in this post until a successor is elected.

During the senate session on July 18, 2018, the senate also voted unanimously to alter the University’s charter, this was necessary due to the introduction of a new  State University Law (Landeshochschulgesetz).

Resume Prof. Hansgeorg Binz



1974 – 1980

Studied Mechanical engineering at the Technical University in Darmstadt

1980 – 1985

Research assistant for the subject Machine Elements and Mechanics at the TU Darmstadt


Conferred as a Doctor of Engineering Dr.-Ing. at the TU Darmstadt; dissertation on the subject “Untersuchung des Einlaufverschleißverhaltens von Rollenketten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Buchse-Lasche-Pressverbindung”

1985 – 1989

Department manager for Construction Mechanics at Carl Schenck AG, Darmstadt

1989 – 1993

Senior Head of the Department for Construction and Development at the P.I.V. Antrieb Werner Reimers GmbH & Co KG, Bad Homburg

1993 – 1998

Head of Department for Product Technology at SKF Textilmaschinen-Komponenten GmbH, Stuttgart

Since 1998

o. Professor of Machine Construction and Transmission Manufacturing and Director of the Institute for Engineering and Industrial Design at the University of Stuttgart


Prof. Binz has been the Dean of Mechanical Engineering since 2002, a member of the Senate Committee for Teaching and Education since 2006, and Head of the Joint Commission for Mechanical Engineering at the University of Stuttgart since 2008.


Resume Prof. Peter Middendorf




Diploma in Aerospace Engineering at the Universität der Bundeswehr Munich


Head of Eurofighter at the Materialamt der Luftwaffe in Köln-Wahn


Research assistant at the Institute of Applied Mechanics at the Universität der Bundeswehr Munich


Doctoral degree at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Universität der Bundeswehr Munich


EADS Corporate Research Center Ottobrunn, lastly as Senior Expert for structural Mechanics/Analysis


EADS Innovation Works Ottobrunn, lastly as Head of Structural Integration & Mechanical Systems


Eurocopter Deutschland, Ottobrunn / Donauwörth, lastly as Head of the Research Program

Since 02/2012

Univ.-Professor for Aircraft Construction and director of the Institute of Aircraft Design at the University of Stuttgart


Prof. Middendorf is speaker for the Research Directorate of the Research Campus ARENA2036 and Vice Dean at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy since 2016.

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