New Vice Rectors join the rectorate team

December 12, 2018, No. 116

Prof. Jan Knippers and Prof. Monilola Olayioye

In its public session, held on December 12, 2018, the senate at the University of Stuttgart elected two Vice Rectors for the first half of the third rectorate tenure, under the leadership of University Rector Prof. Wolfram Ressel.

The new Vice Rector for Research is Prof. Jan Knippers, Head of the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE), while the new Vice Rector for Junior Academic Staff and Diversity is Prof. Monilola Olayioye from the Institute of Cell Biology and Immunology (IZI). The new members of the rectorate team were voted in unanimously and their term in office runs until September 30, 2021.


Prof. Jan Knippers


1962 in Düsseldorf

1983 – 1989

Studied Construction Engineering at the Technical University of Berlin, MSc with distinction


PhD in Structural Analysis at the Technical University of Berlin (doctoral scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation)

1993 – 2000

Worked at Schlaich Bergermann partner engineering firm, Stuttgart


Declined appointment as C3 Professor of Steel and Timber Construction at the University of Leipzig

seit 2000

C4 Professor and Head of the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design at the University of Stuttgart, Faculty for Architecture and Urban Planning

2001 – 2018

Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering; Stuttgart, Berlin, New York

2013 – 2019

Chairman of DFG Review Board 410 “Architecture and Construction”

2014 – 2019

Speaker at the transregional Special Research Area SFB-TR 141 “Biological Design and Integrative Structures” at the universities of Stuttgart, Freiburg and Tübingen

Prorektor Jan Knippers
Prorektor Jan Knippers

Prof. Monilola Olayioye


1972 in London


Studied Biotechnology at the Technical University of Braunschweig

1997 – 2000

PhD in cell biology (summa cum laude), Friedrich Miescher Institute, Basel, Switzerland

2000 – 12/2003

Postdoctoral studies (Embo Fellow) at The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI), Melbourne, Australien


Visiting scientist (HFSP Fellow) at the Cell Biophysics Lab at the Humboldt University


Research scientist at the Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Ulm


Group Leader of the DFG CRC495 Junior Research Group at the Institute for Cell Biology and Immunology at the University of Stuttgart


Heisenberg Professor (W3) for Molecular Tumor Cell Biology at the University of Stuttgart

seit 07/2016

W3 Professor for Molecular Tumor Cell Biology at the University of Stuttgart

Prorektorin Monilola Olayioye
Prorektorin Monilola Olayioye




Keplerstraße 7, 70174 Stuttgart

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