New at the University of Stuttgart: the STEM orientation semester

January 16, 2020, No. 002

New at the University of Stuttgart: the STEM orientation semester Get to know the university and the study programs

If you are interested in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences or engineering but don’t know which study program is right for you, you can enroll on the STEM orientation semester at the University of Stuttgart. It has been developed by the STEM College Baden-Württemberg at the University of Stuttgart to help prospective students decide which program is right for them. During the semester, students learn about different study programs, take part in selected lectures, and learn the basics of mathematics. They also learn about the university and about being a student.

“The number of study programs is increasing, at the University of Stuttgart alone there are more than 30 undergraduate study programs in STEM subjects”, explains Prof. Hansgeorg Binz, Vice Rector for Teaching and Advanced Education. “Therefore, we want to use the orientation semester to offer prospective students the chance to learn about different study programs.”

Content of the STEM orientation semester

Participants in the STEM orientation semester get an insight into the STEM study programs offered by the University of Stuttgart. Firstly, the professors introduce their departments. Furthermore, students attend a selection of ordinary lectures throughout the semester. This gives them an initial knowledge of the subject and a chance to talk to students on the respective courses. An introduction to how the university works is provided as well as an introduction to higher mathematics, which as a core subject plays a huge role in STEM. Also, participants learn about time management and self-organization. Information events and workshops with the Student Counseling Center as well as individual advisory sessions complete the program. In addition to the STEM orientation semester, students also have the opportunity to take preparatory courses from the STEM College to fill the gaps in their knowledge of mathematics, computer science, physics and chemistry.

“Those who take part in the STEM orientation semester receive support in choosing a study program, gain a basic understanding of the subject, and learn about everyday life at the university before they begin their studies”, said lecturer at the STEM College and coordinator of the program Dr. Barbara Schüpp-Niewa, summarizing its advantages.

How to apply and student status

The STEM orientation semester takes place in the summer semester. In 2020, this begins on 6 April and ends on 17 July. Applications are open until 1 March via the online application portal of the University of Stuttgart. Enrolling for the orientation semester makes you a student of the University of Stuttgart.

Further information about the STEM orientation semester and advice on how to apply can be found at the Website of MINT-Kolleg.  

Representatives from the media are cordially invited to attend a press briefing. If you are interested, we will be happy to organize an appointment. Further information and contact:

Expert Contact:

Birgit Vennemann, MINT-Kolleg Baden-Württemberg an der Universität Stuttgart, Tel. 0711/685-84309 oder -82122, Mail

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