Space Station Draft

Next steps in manned space flight at University of Stuttgart

July 20, 2017, No. 65

Space Station Design Workshop
[Picture: IRS - SSDW16]

Within the next 10 years, the International Space Station ISS will have reached the end of its life cycle. High time to start thinking about a successor. But what are the requirements for the next manned space station? How large should the platform be, how many astronauts will be living and working on board? To answer these questions, the Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme or IRS (Institute of Space Systems) of University of Stuttgart is hosting the “Space Station Design Workshop 2017” (SSDW) from July 23 to 29.

During the workshop, students and Young Professionals work in international and intercultural teams to design the next space station. Because of the interdisciplinary task, the participants come from a broad variety of fields, such as aerospace technology, economy, and architecture. After a week of team work, the two SSDW groups will report on the space station designs in a final presentation. An expert jury of members from the scientific and economic communities will judge the work. The workshop will be led by German astronaut Reinhold Ewald, Professor at IRS.

Media representatives are cordially invited to attend the final “SSDW” presentation.

Saturday, 29 July 2017, 11:00am
Space center Raumfahrtzentrum Baden-Württemberg, Campus Vaihingen, Pfaffenwaldring 29, 70569 Stuttgart

Registration: or Fax 0711/685-82188          

Further information:

Space Station Draft
Space Station Draft




Keplerstraße 7, 70174 Stuttgart

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