Once again leading position as regards third-party funding per professorship

October 17, 2018, No. 92

Professors from the University of Stuttgart procured 655,400 Euros on average

655,400 Euros: so much third-party funding was procured by the professors from the University of Stuttgart in 2016 according to figures now published by the Statistical Office (Destatis) per professorship. This once again put the University of Stuttgart in second position on a national level. In terms of national average the third-party funding/professorship was around 258,000 Euros.

The Rector of the University of Stuttgart, Professor Wolfram Ressel, commented: “In the meantime third-party income makes up almost half of our university’s total volume of over half a billion Euros. This is certainly a great success on the part of all scientists who make a convincing impression with their creative research projects in national and international competitions and who are able to successfully procure financial funding from public and private sponsors.“

On the whole the third-party income per university professor was around the same level as the previous year. The subject groups with the highest third-party income were the engineering sciences, followed by human medicine/health sciences. Most third-party funding per professorship was procured by RWTH Aachen according to Destatis, after the University of Stuttgart in second place was the third-placed Technical University of Munich. 






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