Polytech Days in Berlin 2020

January 24, 2020, No. 005

University of Stuttgart strengthens strategic partnership with Polytechnic University of St. Petersburg
[Picture: Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University]

The University of Stuttgart has nurtured its strategic partnership with the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University for three decades. At the “Polytech Days in Berlin 2020” event, which the top university in St. Petersburg is holding at the Russian House of Science and Culture in Berlin on February 6-7, the rectors of both partner universities will affirm the success of the intensive scientific cooperation and friendship between the two partner universities with discussion papers and project presentations. Alongside the technical universities of Stuttgart, Berlin, Munich and Hanover, high-caliber representatives from a number of companies will also be taking part in the forum.

“We want to use the Polytech Days in Berlin 2020 to showcase the great opportunities and wide range of skills we have to offer to existing and potential partners, and to bring new joint projects into life and set them on the right path”, announced Rector of the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Prof. Andrei Rudskoi. Working together in education and research is a central pillar of German-Russian relations.

Prof. Wolfram Ressel, Rector of the University of Stuttgart, will present the formalized cooperation between science and industry under one roof in his panel discussion “Smart Industry – Interaction of Science and Industry”, using the ARENA2036 research factory as an example. “Our research factory at the Vaihingen campus at the University of Stuttgart is an example of national and international cooperation. More than 40 partners from business and science are pooling their skills together to design successful and forward-looking innovations. The Polytech Days are a very good opportunity to let an international specialist audience know all about this excellent network”, said Ressel, referring to the two-day German-Russian forum in Berlin.

Representatives from the St. Petersburg-based university will also speak about the university’s competence center at the National Technology Initiative (NTI) in the field of “Advanced Manufacturing Technologies”, which is the only one of its kind in Russia. The competence center at the university has developed a roadmap for the development of digital production technologies up until 2024 as part of the national program known as “The Digital Economy in the Russian Federation”.

Interested parties from business and science from around Europe have been invited to take part in the public Polytech Days in Berlin 2020, as well as decision-makers at government level. The alumni forum of the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University will also take place on the wake of the event, which has been planned as part of the “German-Russian Year of Higher Education Cooperation and Science 2018-2020”.

Expert Contact:

Olga Dorofeeva, SPbPU International Office PR manager, Mail 




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