How responsibly, ethically and socially are universities managed when it comes to sustainable development? How do they fulfill their ecological and social responsibilities? And how do universities actively contribute to improving social structures? The latest QS World University Ranking Sustainability 2025 takes a close look at environmental and social sustainability at universities.
Ökologische und soziale Verantwortung leben
In an international comparison, the University of Stuttgart made a remarkable leap into the top 10 in Germany in the “Governance” category: in a national comparison, it came 6th, while internationally it climbed 140 places to 127th. The “Governance” category measures how effectively and responsibly a university is managed in terms of sustainable development. This includes governance structures and mechanisms, for example clear guidelines against corruption. Stakeholder involvement and the university's ethical and social responsibility are also included in the assessment. The newly established Vice Rectorate for Research and Sustainable Development is working to promote sustainable development not only in research, but in all areas of the university.
The University of Stuttgart climbed to 44th place internationally in the “Environmental Sustainability” category - an improvement of 120 ranks. It occupies 2nd place in the national rankings. QS assesses environmental sustainability on the basis of sustainable practices to reduce environmental impact and promote responsible ecological action. Among other things, research is being conducted in Stuttgart on sustainable construction, resilient and sustainable spatial planning concepts for flood and civil protection and the mobility of the future. Student initiatives also contribute to greater sustainability, for example the AK International Green Group, which campaigns for effective waste separation in the halls of residence.
In the “Social Impact” category, the University of Stuttgart ranked 359th worldwide. Social impact measures a university's contribution to social sustainability and its commitment to positive social change. These include, for example, interdisciplinary key competencies that encourage the integration of sustainability into teaching and everyday life. Or the Green Office, which designs and implements initiatives for an environmentally conscious, climate-friendly, and socially just university, involving all students and staff in the process. QS assesses the universities in the five areas of “Employability and Opportunities”, “Health and Well-being”, “Equality”, “Impact of Education” and “Knowledge Exchange”.
About the QS World University Ranking Sustainability
More than 1,700 universities were listed in the third edition of the ranking. The University of Stuttgart is ranked 255th internationally, putting it in the top 14 percent. The QS World University Rankings: Sustainability assesses universities based on 52 indicators that evaluate their sustainability efforts in research, teaching, and societal engagement. The ranking is presented overall and across three categories: 'Social Impact,' 'Environmental Impact,' and 'Governance.'

Margarete Altmann