When it concerns the technical advancement of the future, quantum technology cannot be overlooked. In order to make its development and future prospects visible, the Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is starting the Quantum Future Program. The Centre for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology IQST is also involved as well as an association between the Universities of Stuttgart und Ulm along with the Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research. The BMBF and the IQST are issuing invitations for 22nd March to attend a public official function at the University of Stuttgart. The Quantum Future Award 2018 will be presented. In his ceremonial address Professor Wolfgang Schleich, Head of the Institute for Quantum Physics from the University of Ulm will give insights into the fantastical world of quanta and two science slams will entertainingly describe research areas of quantum technology. Furthermore, there will be fascinating experiments to marvel at and join in with.
The public can expect an exciting evening regarding everything to do with quantum technology. Along with the ceremonial address by Professor Wolfgang Schleich “The fantastical world of the quanta – from the basis to the application“ two science slams will provide surprising and entertaining effects with presentations about quantum physics. Furthermore, two fascinating experiments on quantum physics invite the public to take part in the foyer of Auditorium 17.01. At a mini golf game that is based on quantum mechanical effects there will be a surprising effect: the golf ball will be at several locations at the same time. Interested parties can attempt to place the ball in the hole in spite of this. The second experiment is about the prototype of a quantum magnetometer and its influence of magnetic fields on spin-based quantum systems.
Official function and presenting the Quantum Future Award 2018
The BMBF and the IQST are cordially inviting the interested public and media representatives to the official function.
Date: 22nd March 2018, 7 pm until 22.30 pm
Venue: Univer, sity of Stuttgart, City Centre Campus, Keplerstr. 17Auditorium 17.01
Participation is free of charge and is possible without registration.
First accolade
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Centre for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology IQST will be presenting the Quantum Future Award for the first time on 22nd March 2018. In the presence of the public and invited guests from politics, science and industry, the young scientists will be honoured for their excellent and innovative degree theses on application-oriented quantum technology. The expert jury will nominate the five best theses respectively from the degree theses from a total of 25 applicants in the categories “Master theses” and “Doctoral theses”. The spectrum of topics will thereby range from a realised handheld on quantum encoding via simulations to superconducting qubits up to an innovative quantum sensor on the characterisation of high-quality electronic components.
The Quantum Future Program
Besides the Quantum Future Award, the program also includes the Quantum Future Academy, a practical week, offering students of engineering and natural sciences from German universities the opportunities for the first time to gain an exclusive insight into applied quantum technology. In future the Quantum Future Award will be presented annually in the framework of the academy. Recruiting young talents for this future technology, opening up career opportunities in research and business as well as creating a national and international network for the career start is the objective. The program is aimed at pupils, students, young scientists – but also quantum start-ups, makers and at the interested public. Further information at www.photonikforschung.de/campus/quantum-futur.html.
In the Centre for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology IQST both Universities of Ulm and Stuttgart together with the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research (MPI FKF) have merged to develop new technological approaches from abstract quantum physics. www.iqst.org/
Expert Contact:
Dr Simone Wall, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH, Project Owner of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research Photonics/Quantum Technology, Telephone: 0211/6214-593, email: mail[at]quantum-futur.de

Jacqueline Gehrke
Online Editor

Manfred Ehresmann
M.Sc.Systemsengineer and Research Assistant