Receiving Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence in Research.

December 16, 2020

The Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research has received two of the 2020 Emerald Literati Awards. The awards are given to authors and reviewers by the editors of Emerald journals.

One of the awards received the paper 'University-Industry Collaborations: An Industry Perspective' by Dr. Ferran Giones, published in Management Decision. Another award was given to Prof. Alexander Brem as outstanding reviewer of the journal Competitiveness Review.

Both recognitions highlight ongoing research at the Institute that strengthens entrepreneurial and innovative activities at the University of Stuttgart in collaboration with our industry partners.



This image shows Ferran Giones

Ferran Giones

PD Dr.

Deputy Director

This image shows Alexander Brem

Alexander Brem

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. pol.

Director and Vice Rector for Science Transfer and International Affairs

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