Reception for newly appointed professors

July 17, 2024

On July 15, the Rector welcomed all newly appointed professors, with a spectacular view over Stuttgart atop the Stuttgart television tower.
[Picture: University of Stuttgart / Gabriel Parsyak ]

As guests at this year's sundowner event, held at Stuttgart's television tower, the newly appointed professors had the opportunity to get to know each other and members of the Rectorate. The event took place in cooperation with Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH and the Stuttgart Convention Bureau. Their representatives provided the professors with a quick overview of the numerous opportunities for cooperation in the economically and culturally vibrant Stuttgart region.

Rector Professor Ressel welcomes the guests

Following welcome speeches from Rector Professor Wolfram Ressel, Kathrin Grützmann from Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH and Heike Ade from the Stuttgart Convention Bureau; Professor Stefanie Barz, Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology IQST, delivered an entertaining introduction to quantum technology. She combined her lecture on "A Quick Dive into the Quantum World" with a call to her new colleagues to network across disciplines in the spirit of the Stuttgart Way and to explore the world of quanta from diverse disciplinary perspectives.

Professor Stefanie Barz delivering her lecture "A quick dive into the quantum world"

Enriched with fascinating insights into a central research field at the university, the event continued on the viewing platform, where attendees enjoyed a 360-degree view of Stuttgart. The welcome event provides new university members with the opportunity to get to know each other and to gain an impression of their new home and workplace in Stuttgart from a lofty height.

Interdisciplinary exchange at Stuttgart's television tower
Getting to know each other and networking with stunning views of Stuttgart
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