Start-up culture at the University of Stuttgart

February 5, 2019, No. 9

“Let US elevate!” program to receive funding from MWK

With the “Let US elevate!” program, the University of Stuttgart supports its students and graduates in setting up their own businesses. Now the project is being supported by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK). Around 3.8 million euros is being made available for start-up projects in 2019 at 17 different universities.

Prof. Peter Middendorf, Vice Rector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer, is pleased to have been granted funding: “We’re happy that the state Ministry of Science is supporting the startup culture at our university. The Let US elevate! program is another step towards making entrepreneurship an even more attractive career path for our students.”

Let US elevate! follows on from the University of Stuttgart’s vision of “intelligent systems for a sustainable society”, and wants to bring talented people and technology together. Excellent interdisciplinary students with innovative ideas should be brought together as soon as possible and be made enthusiastic about the idea of setting up their own business. Practice-oriented learning and individual coaching helps teach students the entrepreneurial mindset and competence to succeed. Therefore, the University of Stuttgart’s Technology Transfer Initiative accompanies start-ups at all phases of setting up a business.

The MWK program, which is designed to encourage a startup culture, has existed since 2016. Around 12 million euros has been awarded to 23 start-up projects thus far. 




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