Group photo on stage

Startup Factory joined by the University of Stuttgart reaches the finals

June 11, 2024

Promoting entrepreneurial innovation: This is what the federal Startup Factories competition is all about. The University of Stuttgart, in collaboration with partners from Baden-Württemberg, has successfully completed the first phase of the competition.
[Picture: PtJ Forschungszentrum Jülich]

Rapid technological change, demographic trends and the task of decarbonization are just some of the challenges facing our society. Innovative solutions are essential to counter these changes and proactively shape a prosperous, livable future.

The “Startup Factories” lighthouse competition is intended to make more intensive use of and strengthen existing potential in the promotion of start-ups and innovation. To achieve this, five to ten startup factories will be established as central points of contact for startups and innovators. What is special: The alliances are made up of public and private sector institutions and combine the best of both worlds, in order to facilitate the successful transfer of scientific knowledge to industry.

NXTGN: University of Stuttgart and its partners among the finalists

Together with six partners from Baden-Württemberg, the University of Stuttgart is one of 15 alliances that have made it through to the next round of the competition. “We are proud that a robust new network has emerged here in southwest Germany, uniting institutions with the most promising start-ups,” says Prof. Peter Middendorf, Vice Rector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer at the University of Stuttgart. “Together, we are striving to take technology transfer to the next level and develop innovative solutions to tackle the challenges of our time.”

The alliance from Baden-Württemberg, consisting of the University of Stuttgart, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the University of Heidelberg, the University of Ulm, the Hochschule der Medien (HdM), Gründermotor GmbH and IPAI (Innovation Park Artificial Intelligence) is entering the next round under the name NXTGN - derived from Next Generation. “Our collective initiative, NXTGN, underscores our shared goal: Fostering a successful, innovative, and tightly interconnected next generation of companies contributing to a sustainable society,” says Prof. Thomas Hirth, Vice President for Transfer and International Affairs at KIT. To support this vision, NXTGN brings together startups, academia, and established businesses in the economy. 

About the Startup Factories lighthouse competition

The “Startup Factories” lighthouse competition was launched by the federal government in 2023 to promote innovation in Germany. The participants progress through several competition phases: In the activation phase, stakeholders in startup promotion form alliances. In the upcoming concept phase, 15 of these will receive funding of 150,000 euros each for project design. The five to ten most promising alliances will receive funding of up to ten million euros each over a period of five years, beginning in summer 2025.

About "Gründermotor"

Gründermotor is an innovation platform from Baden-Württemberg. It connects startups, academia, and businesses because the development of a sustainable society thrives on a vibrant innovation network. It enables start-ups to achieve sustainable growth and transforms the economy. The goal: a “next generation of medium-sized companies”. Starting from summer 2024, the public-private partnership Gründermotor, established since 2021, will integrate into the newly formed NXTGN network.

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