Success for the University of Stuttgart

December 3, 2019, No. 108

Accolade in the “EXIST-Potentiale” competition run by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy

The University of Stuttgart's entry impressed the jury enough to win the “EXIST-Potentiale” competition run by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy. The aim of the nationwide program is to create a lasting improvement to the environment for start-ups and knowledge-based ventures being set up by universities. A total of around 220 universities from all parts of Germany applied for funding. The results of the competition were announced at a ceremony held in Berlin on 3 December 2019.

The University of Stuttgart was given an award in the “Connecting the region“ category. “We are very pleased with this success. It means we can increase the support we provide to new ventures and take it to a new level”, says Prof. Wolfram Ressel, Rector of the University of Stuttgart. The University is focusing more heavily on startups as part of its strategy regarding knowledge and technology transfer. The funding received should primarily be used to further strengthen this transfer, which is geared towards start-ups.

Innovation partnerships with players from the region should be strengthened on a permanent basis and be expanded with new instruments to support local and university-based start-ups. To make this happen, the University of Stuttgart will work closely with the Stuttgart Media University and other regional partners to establish the Alliance for Entrepreneurship Stuttgart (AllieS). Prof. Peter Middendorf, Vice Rector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer, emphasized: “The positive collaboration with strong partners, which has been given a fresh impetus thanks to the EXIST funding, will make a visible contribution towards cultivating a brand for the Stuttgart region as a place for start-ups.” The use of synergies will further professionalize the support given to start-ups, and make it more visible and accessible for students, scientists and those wanting to start their own venture.    

The project is due to start in early 2020 and is funded for a period of four years.





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