Top place in the CITY CYCLING competition

June 12, 2024

The University of Stuttgart came 2nd in the cycling competition and university employee Marc Högler came 4th in the Stuttgart ranking.

In May, 445 employees and students at the University of Stuttgart cycled 104,831 kilometers in 21 days for the international CITY CYCLING campaign (STADTRADELN). This puts the university in second place in the Stuttgart ranking behind the team from the city of Stuttgart. “Although we missed out on first place again this year, we are still very satisfied with the result,” says Luisa Hoffmann, Mobility Manager at the University of Stuttgart. "This motivates us even more to achieve the top spot next year and to further our commitment to sustainable development in urban transportation." I am proud of everyone who took part.” According to the analysis conducted by CITY CYCLING, the university team saved around 17,402 kilograms of CO2.

A bike at the Bärensee lake on the way to the University of Stuttgart

Marc Högler finishes in 4th place with 2,102.7 km

Marc Högler, research assistant at the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics and Thermal Process Engineering, was particularly active. Marc Högler ranked fourth in the "Most Active Cyclist 2024" category across the municipality, covering 2,102.7 km and saving 349 kilograms of CO2. He averages 500 kilometers per week throughout the year, often exceeding this during warmer months. He rides his bike every day from Freiberg am Neckar to his workplace at the university - a distance of at least 60 kilometers a day. “Depending on how much time I have, and my mood, I take a detour home at least two days a week. The CITY CYCLING campaign motivates me and I sometimes add 10 kilometers to my daily route,” says Marc Högler. There are also some longer training rides and tours at the weekend that fall within this period.

Cycling is a form of active mobility with the lowest environmental impact and costs. This is an optimal way to get around - on route to a climate-neutral university by 2035.

Sustainable Mobility

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