U-Multirank 2022: University of Stuttgart performs well in research and knowledge transfer

June 21, 2022, No. 40

High rankings in individual subjects, such as physics, process engineering and computer science

With a total of twelve top rankings (group A), the University of Stuttgart is one of the "Top Performing Universities in Germany". This was confirmed by the international U-Multirank published today. In the categories research and transfer of knowledge, the University of Stuttgart is among the German universities with the most top rankings (Groups A and B).

Research indicators, such as scientific publications, scientific publications per capita, third party funds raised and post-doctoral researchers were all rated as above average. The University of Stuttgart also received top marks in the knowledge transfer category for co-publications with its partners from industry, third-party industry funding, publications cited in patents, patents both per capita and in absolute terms, and spin-off companies.

Individual subjects have also seen a marked improvement and performed very well in a number of indicators, particularly in the areas of knowledge transfer and research: For example, physics was placed in the top group a total of nine times, process engineering and computer science eight times, mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering seven times, and chemistry five times. Together with the University of Duisburg-Essen, process engineering at the University of Stuttgart has the highest number of top rankings in the field of mechanical engineering when compared to other universities nationally. Physics at the University of Stuttgart even achieved the most top rankings (Group A) in a national comparison. Physics received excellent ratings in the research category, for example for top cited publications, citation rate and research funding, but also for the number of doctorates. Computer science, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering and process engineering received very good ratings for the number of doctorates and for research funds, and also for the absolute number of publications. In terms of knowledge transfer, electrical engineering, chemistry, and physics scored particularly well, with three out of three possible top rankings in the indicators co-publications with partners from industry, third-party industrial funding and publications cited in patents.

The University of Stuttgart also received a top ranking in the category international affairs in terms of the number of employees from abroad. The international orientation of teaching was rated very highly, especially in computer science, mechanical engineering, and physics. Mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering and process engineering received top rankings in publications produced jointly with partners from abroad. Furthermore, it is also important to highlight the top rating for the indicator gender balance in computer science, aerospace engineering and process engineering at the University of Stuttgart.

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