University of Stuttgart Excels in Patent Applications

September 4, 2024

The University of Stuttgart has once again achieved excellent rankings in the latest study on patent applications at universities published by the German Economic Institute (IW). With 175 patent applications, it ranks 5th in Germany.

Since 2023, the German Economic Institute has been annually assessing the inventive spirit of German universities by tracking the number of patents they have registered over a defined period. Following the 2023 publication that evaluated a ten-year period, a second study has now been released, focusing on aggregated patent applications from 2017 to 2021. Out of 165 "patent-active" universities assessed, the University of Stuttgart ranks fifth nationwide and second among all universities in Baden-Württemberg for the number of patent applications filed by its scientists.

“This is an excellent result,” says a delighted Prof. Peter Middendorf, Vice Rector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer and designated Rector of the University of Stuttgart. "It highlights the diverse initiatives and efforts at the University of Stuttgart, aligned with our mission statement 'Intelligent systems to benefit society,' through which we have consistently promoted the transfer of our research outcomes to society and the economy."

Recognizing that registered intellectual property is central to technological advancement, the University of Stuttgart supports its scientists through the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Department within the Research and Transfer Division. This department assists in the documentation, management, and commercialization of inventions, property rights, and other forms of intellectual property. The range of services extends from early consulting to the negotiation of license agreements.

Further information

Further ranking successes at the University of Stuttgart 

Ralf Kaun


Head of Department

This image shows Bettina Neumann

Bettina Neumann


PR and Marketing Officer


University Communications

Keplerstraße 7, 70174 Stuttgart

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