University of Stuttgart awards publication prizes

January 28, 2021, No. 3

Award recognizes outstanding publications from all 10 faculties

For the 4th time the University of Stuttgart is awarding the publication prizes, each endowed with 2,500 euros, for outstanding publications from each of the ten faculties. As the award ceremony as well as the presentation of the publications cannot take place this year within the framework of the University's Research Day due to corona, the scientists present their work in descriptive short presentations on the web. 

"This prize honors publications that demonstrate outstanding research work at our university and that are known and recognized across disciplines," says Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Knippers, Vice Rector for Research at the University of Stuttgart. At the same time, the prize underlines the important role of publishing in terms of the university`s scientific output.

The range of topics covered by the award-winning publications reflects a huge variety of research projects. It ranges from bionic construction or photonic building elements to the simulation of turbulence or new approaches in medicinal pain therapy to trend analyses with data from the PISA study.

All presentations at 




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