University of Stuttgart especially successful with four draft proposals – permission to make an application

September 29, 2017, No. 86

German Research Foundation (DFG) announces decisions regarding the excellence strategy

In the framework of the excellence strategy to strengthen cutting edge details in Germany decided by the Federation and Regional States, the German Research Association (DFG) made an announcement on 29.09.2017 stating for which of the submitted draft proposals the universities are allowed to make a full application. No fewer than four draft proposals by the University of Stuttgart were positively reviewed by the expert panel and permitted to make an application. In one year, on 27th September 2018, a decision will be reached on the final selection of the excellence cluster applications in the excellence commission.     

Professor Wolfram Ressel, Rector of the University of Stuttgart, was delighted about the decision reached by the expert panel for the excellence strategy after the announcement of the results by the DFG and said: “Today is a very good day for all researchers but also for all students of the University of Stuttgart. The authorisation of no fewer than four draft proposals is a special success and a milestone for the University of Stuttgart. I would like to thank all those scientists working in the clusters for their achievements and commitment. Now the University of Stuttgart has the opportunity with this success of applying for the newly established funding lines of the universities of excellence in the framework of the excellence strategy of the Federation and the Regional States.“

With a view to the research strength of the University of Stuttgart in the scientific areas of the submitted draft proposals of the university, Professor Ressel is convinced that the University of Stuttgart will continue to forge ahead with its central research fields under the program “Intelligent systems for a sustainable society “ and in so doing raise the profile of the university in all core areas. “The University of Stuttgart will succeed in continuously pursuing  the strategic goal of a research university recognised worldwide with the numerous DFG special research fields and graduate college as well as other research associations”, according to the Rector. 


Data-integrated simulation sciences 

Since 2007 the excellence cluster “Simulation Technology (SimTech)“ at the University of Stuttgart has forged ahead with the simulation sciences in terms of models, methods and computing aspects from an engineering perspective in great depth and breadth and established them with its interdisciplinary and methodical profile as an internationally visible research focus.   

The orientation of the proposed cluster on data-integrated simulation sciences stands for a multitude of pioneering research questions. The large amount of data available today from sensor measurements, data collections, experiments and simulations offer new and increasingly significant possibilities of acquiring knowledge. Its research goal is a new category of simulation as well as data-driven approaches that raise the applicability of simulation as well as the reliability of decisions based on this to a new level.   

Quantum sciences from the basics to application: development of quantum instruments of the future 

In the field of quantum sciences the Universities of Stuttgart and Ulm as well as the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart are requested to make a full application. In a possible excellence cluster “Quantum sciences from the basics to application: development of quantum instruments of the future“ researchers link up quantum technology with the engineering sciences and transferred results from basic research to practice.

In the excellence cluster researchers from physics, chemistry, life sciences and engineering sciences want to work together in cross-institute laboratories. In so doing new materials and control methods for quantum systems are to be developed and these are to be integrated in functional devices. 

Integrative computer-based planning and building for architecture 

The productivity of the construction industry has been stagnating for decades and already the construction sector consumes over 40 percent of the global resources and energy today. This and the big social, ecological, economic and cultural relevance of architecture show that new approaches are urgently required for planning and building. The excellence cluster therefore has the goal of using the full potential of digital technologies in order to rethink planning and building and to enable pioneering innovations for the construction industry through a systematic, holistic and integrative computer-based approach. 

A central objective is the development of a subordinate methodology of the “co-design” of methods, processes and systems, based on interdisciplinary research between the fields of architecture, civil engineering, engineering geodesy, production and system technology, computer science and robotics, as well as social sciences and the humanities.   

Understanding understanding: language and text 

Processes of understanding pose a great challenge for people per se, which is intensified even further through the complexity and the speed of the digital world. Counteracting these developments requires the analysis of language and text, i.e. the systems and instances, in which understanding expresses itself. Therefore the cluster project “Understanding understanding” pursues new approaches in order to better understand what happens when we (don’t) understand language and text. In so doing the latest developments in the fields of linguistics, computer linguistics/digital humanities, psychology and literary studies are brought together.   

In the joint cluster application of the universities of Stuttgart and Tübingen as well as the German Literature Archive (DLA) Marbach and the Leibniz-Institute for Knowledge Media (IWM) the scientists are venturing a methodically integrative approach in order to improve the analysis of understanding processes. 




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