painted portrait of Henriette Herz from 1972

University of Stuttgart is given the Henriette Herz Award by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

November 11, 2020, No. 70

The Global Talent Initiative “Research with US” has received an award
[Picture: Henriette Herz, portrayed by Anton Graff (1792)]

The University of Stuttgart has been presented with the Henriette Herz Award by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for its “Research with US” concept. The one-off award for 2020 worth 125,000 euros promotes strategically oriented recruitment and forming closer bonds with highly qualified international early career researchers. The Global Talent Initiative “Research with US” pilot project will strengthen the University of Stuttgart’s research and internationalization strategies. The aims include actively scouting and recruiting top researchers from around the world, strengthening global networks, and increasing diversity and interculturality among professors.

“The project funding from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is a major honor for the University of Stuttgart. We plan on using the prize money to support and institutionally strengthen our human resources activities aimed at attracting highly-qualified early career researchers. We intend to forge new paths to win over outstanding young individuals from around the world for our university”, says Prof. Wolfram Ressel, Rector of the University of Stuttgart, explaining the aims of the initiative.

Data-Integrated Simulation Science Cluster of Excellence as starting point

The perfect starting point in this respect is the Data-Integrated Simulation Science Cluster of Excellence (EXC SimTech). This trans-disciplinary cluster operates in a highly competitive field of forward-looking methods of computer simulation, modeling and visualization. It is already home to more than 200 internationally renowned researchers. “In our Cluster of Excellence we're focusing on new ways of pro-actively looking for candidates worldwide in future. We want to attract the best researchers to our international elite research team and build long-lasting networks”, explains project leader Prof. Andrea Barth. We are now looking for three suitable people to lead the junior research groups. The scouting and recruiting process is being carried out according to the “Research with US” model.

The initiative is divided into three stages. The first stage involves actively scouting for people (“Scout for US”). The researchers at EXC SimTech, who have close ties with other researchers around the world, get in touch with outstanding candidates personally under professional supervision. These candidates then get a chance to learn more about the University of Stuttgart as a place to do research at the heart of the Stuttgart economic region through interactive online events (“Meet US”). Events held in Stuttgart at a later stage such as scientific conventions then make the recruiting part easier (“Stay with US”). Beyond the project being funded, promising doctoral degree projects and postdoc projects carried out at the beginning of a researcher’s career are supported through the “Research for US” initiative.

Increasing diversity and interculturality

“Research with US” ties in with existing structures at the University of Stuttgart to promote early career researchers via the Graduate Academy GRADUS. The aim is to establish a proactive recruitment culture at the University of Stuttgart beyond the “Research with US” funding phase. A special focus here is on equal opportunities and diversity, which are firmly embedded in the ethos of the University of Stuttgart.

Prof. Monilola Olayioye, Vice Rector for Early Career Researchers and Diversity, is very pleased to have won the award. “We want to use the Henriette Herz Award to increase the level of diversity and interculturality among professors. We also want to encourage women to take part in research fellowship programs. The writer Henriette Herz inspired a lot of women to choose their own path. We use the example she set as an inspiration with measures such as mentoring programs, networking meetings, publication advice and services in areas such as work-life balance or gender.”

Henriette Herz Scouting Program

Logo of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation with integrated bust of Alexander von Humboldt
The new Henriette Herz-Scouting-Program aims at the direct recruiting of talents for the science location Germany.

The Henriette Herz Award is part of the new Henriette Herz Scouting Program run by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The foundation supports researchers regardless of their specialization or nationality. It is committed to international exchange between researchers with the aim of scientific progress and development.


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