Welcome to THE NERD LÄND

May 2, 2024

Baden Württemberg is working with universities and industry to attract more freshman students to engineering and natural science subjects.

Baden-Württemberg is investing in the future with its new advertising campaign THE NERD LÄND, specifically targeting Generation Z. Under the motto "Best study program. Best life. Best jobs”, the goal is to entice young people to pursue STEM subjects in Baden-Württemberg and to cultivate them as future experts, fostering the region's reputation as the perfect place to live and work in southwest Germany.

Entry pathways into engineering and the natural sciences

As one of the largest state universities in Baden-Württemberg, the University of Stuttgart is an integral part of this campaign, boasting an interdisciplinary profile and a strong emphasis on engineering and natural sciences. 

It is aimed at young people between the ages of 15 and 22, i.e. high school students, high school graduates or young people doing a voluntary social year or similar. The campaign's content is detailed on the We are THE NERD LÄND website, while the primary target audience is reached through focused online marketing efforts in the social media sector, particularly on platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

The campaign specifically targets prospective students from backgrounds with no prior university experience, as well as young women interested in studying engineering, aiming to showcase the myriad opportunities available for their future careers.

Central to securing the future

"From the VDI's perspective, enticing young people into the field of technology, and engineering study programs is pivotal in safeguarding the future of Baden-Württemberg as an innovative state. With THE NERD LÄND campaign, we are reaching out to young people from various regions, engaging them as an important part of tackling in addressing exciting future challenges in the LÄND," says Professor Oliver Riedel, Head of the Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Units at the University of Stuttgart and Chairman of the VDI e.V. Landesverbands Baden-Württemberg.


Bachelor's programs

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