Abstracted scene of people at a railway station

With coolness, emotion and understatement

January 30, 2020, No. 7

The University of Stuttgart repositions research magazine “forschung leben”
[Picture: shutterstock]

Close links between science and society, journalistic articles which address issues and problems in society, and an attractive look. These are the main goals of the ‘forschung leben’ magazine produced by the University of Stuttgart. Six years after the first edition hit the stands, the magazine has now been given a thorough makeover. From now on, it will use a livelier, more magazine-like appearance to keep readers up to date with the latest research and funding grants at the University of Stuttgart and get people enthusiastic about science. The topic of the latest issue shows how the University of Stuttgart is driving forward its vision of “Intelligent Systems for a Sustainable Society”, and what solutions can be expected to the major issues facing society in future.

Prof. Wolfram Ressel, Rector at the University of Stuttgart, said about the new issue of the research magazine: “The transparency of the new ‘forschung leben’ means it should make an important contribution towards increasing the level of trust in science. It is hugely important for society to make the major issues facing us in the future understood in a way which is based on scientific findings.”

Dr. Hans-Herwig Geyer, Head of University Communications and press spokesperson at the University of Stuttgart, made the following comments about the relaunch: “In order to appeal to a new reading audience, the new ‘forschung leben’ applies a concept which wants to intuitively inspire people and appeal to them on an emotional level, and which radiates a sense of coolness. The journalistic texts make scientific processes and methods understandable and transparent, and get to the heart of what implications they have for society. People and their working environment are portrayed using contemporary imagery and a slight understatement. The aesthetic of the strong-sounding title is continued on the inside pages, with large, asymmetrical white spaces which open up exciting design possibilities.”

A wide range of topics

The new issue of ‘forschung leben’ focuses on the vision of “Intelligent Systems for a Sustainable Society”. What does the concept involve, what specific issues are being researched, what focus areas, areas of expertise and areas of development does the university have, and what does all this mean for science, business and society? The articles for example shed light on how intelligent systems can make construction more resource-efficient and create space for a new aesthetic. They give information about promising ways of treating cancer patients, and show how international interdisciplinary networking leads to new therapeutic strategies. The well-known science journalist Jan-Martin Wiarda reflects on the Excellence Strategy in a guest article, and answers with a “Pause for Thought”. “Dare to take risks” relates to a new funding program from the University of Stuttgart, which is intended to give researchers the courage they need to explore new territory. The student start-up scene also gets the chance to make its voice heard, for example the start-up “Carlotta”, in which students are working on an intelligent parking facility management system with support from the University of Stuttgart.

Implementation by award-winning agency

The new ‘forschung leben’ has been designed and implemented in cooperation with the well-known Frankfurt agency FAZIT Communication, a company from the F.A.Z. publishing group which is often distinguished at prestigious awards ceremonies – in 2018 alone, it won the German Design Award, the Fox Award in gold and silver, as well as the German Award for Online Communication in gold and silver among others. FAZIT has many years of experience in scientific communications, and among other things it has designed print and digital products for the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), as well as for the internationally focused consortium GATE Germany. “We’re very happy to work for such a well-renowned university. And we’re pleased that the University of Stuttgart has had the courage to work with us to set up their magazine ‘forschung leben’ for the future”, says Peter Hintereder, CEO of FAZIT Communication. The sophisticated design was developed by 3st kommunikation, one of the most creative communications agencies in Germany, which has been awarded more than 1000 prizes for its work over the past 20 years.

forschung leben as an e-paper

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