University of Stuttgart awards publication prizes

Research Day 2020

3rd Research Day at the University of Stuttgart: From supercapacitors to post-its to Viagra – the prize winners made short speeches summarizing their research. The 150 or so people from the university got an overview of the variety of research that is carried out at the University of Stuttgart.

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Prof. Jan Kippers, Vice Rector for Research

“Publishing has a very important role to play in terms of our university’s scientific output”, emphasized Prof. Jan Kippers, Vice Rector for Research at the start of the event. On 31 January, for the third year in a row the university awarded prizes for the best publications from each of the ten faculties as part of the Research Day event. The publication prizes were each worth 2,500 euros. “We want to use the prizes to reward the excellent research done at our university which has been published, and to make it better known outside the respective departments”, said Knippers.

Dr. Stephan Eisler (Faculty 4) spoke about disruptions to the transport of substances in cells.
Jannik Haas (Faculty 2) addressed energy storage technologies.
The speech given by Prof. Andrés Bruhn (Faculty 5) was about high-precision 3D reconstruction from multiple images, which among other things can be used to produce elevation maps from satellite pictures.

The prize winners then had five minutes to explain the contents of their award-winning publications and the sometimes complicated research topics in a way which was accessible to non-specialists. Some of these presentations were highly imaginative. The crowd learned that transportation problems can also have quite positive effects – at least in the microscopic world of cells. By making an analogy with Stuttgart21 construction sites and traffic jams, Dr. Stephan Eisler showed how disruptions which have been caused deliberately to the transport of substances in cells can lead to the discovery of new signaling pathways. “I've already thought for a while about how I can get the topic across humorously in the little time I have available”, said Eisler, who leads the “Cellular Analytics” technology platform at the Stuttgart Research Center Systems Biology.

The prize-winners presented their areas of research in short, entertaining speeches: Dr. Mohammad Tourian (Faculty 6),
Dr. Konrad Breitsprecher (Faculty 8),
Christian Mahringer (Faculty 10)
and Dr. Bettina Nestl (Faculty 3).

Making science accessible

Dr. Mohammad Tourian from the Geodetic Institute took a glass container filled with water, sand and a plant with him into the lecture hall. He then used it to demonstrate how he calculated the volume of water which can be stored in the Amazon with the help of satellite data. By twisting the Napoleon quote “Dress me slowly, I’m in a hurry”, the crowd learned from the physicist Dr. Konrad Breitsprecher that supercapacitors should be charged slowly as stores of electrical energy. The economist Christian Mahringer used the example of the development of post-its by Art Frey which was almost stopped in its tracks to explain how entrepreneurial initiatives are key to a company’s ability to adapt.

Dr. Bettina Nestl explained why synthesizing chemical compounds containing nitrogen is becoming more and more important. “These compounds are being used for synthesizing sildenafil in particular, which is better known as Viagra. This does more than enable people to have a fulfilling sex life, it also helps protect species because a lot of natural virility-enhancing drugs come from endangered species”. The junior group leader at the Institute of Biochemistry and Technical Biochemistry has developed a new procedure with her team to produce the source material for a number of substances and pharmaceuticals, such as for example Viagra.

The mathematician and physicist Daniel Förster (Faculty 7) was not the only person to speak about mathematics,
the literary scholar Nina Engelhardt (Faculty 9) talked about it as well, albeit in connection with literature.
Doris Lindner (Faculty 1) reported from the living lab for sustainable mobility culture, which formed the basis of the publication which won the prize for the team from Faculty 1.

Surprising insights

There were interesting presentations from all faculties and some of them were very surprising, such as for example the fusion of literature and mathematics by Nina Engelhardt from Faculty 9, as was mentioned by the prize-winner Daniel Förster. The mathematician and physicist will shortly finish his doctoral degree studies at the Institute of Laser Technologies, but in the meantime he has founded a start-up for the removal of materials using a laser together with a colleague. Among other things, the start-up is based on findings from the research paper which was given an award.

Doris Lindner, who worked on the award-winning presentation from Faculty 1, said that the prize is “a great recognition and the icing on the cake for the publication, which is an unbelievably great thing in itself”. She says that the publication is the culmination of three long years of work, when an interdisciplinary team left their ivory tower in order to research with actors from various elements of civil society. In the process, the city of Stuttgart became a giant testing ground for sustainable mobility.

Gender Equality Officer Prof. Nicole Radde gave the PRIMA! Prize to the aerospace graduate Anna Schwarz.

PRIMA! Prize for outstanding female scientists

In addition to the publication prizes awarded by the university, the Gender Equality Officer, Prof. Nicole Radde, awarded the PRIMA!-Prize 2019 for outstanding dissertations by female graduates at the university. The prize is worth 1,000 euros, and is awarded by a different faculty every year on a rotating basis. It was created six years ago to mark the 100th anniversary of the first woman to be awarded a diploma by the Technical University of Stuttgart, the chemist Nora Kräutle. This year, the prize went to the aerospace graduate Anna Schwarz in Faculty 6 for her master's thesis entitled “A Neural Network-Based Shock Indicator for High Order Methods”.

After awarding the prizes, Vice Rector Knippers presented the university’s new funding program “Terra Incognita” for interdisciplinary frontier research in fields which have not yet been explored. The first six projects which are being funded by the program are already underway. Knippers also presented the “Integrated Computational Design and Construction for Architecture” (IntCDC) Cluster of Excellence, which began last year.

To finish off, the participants had the chance to talk with colleagues from other faculties over a snack, and to learn more about the current Terra incognita projects and the IntCDC Cluster of Excellence from the poster exhibition and the stands.
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