Updated German-English glossary for members of the university

January 15, 2025

Reference for translations: The University of Stuttgart's glossary, which standardizes the use of English terms in a university context, has been updated and is now available for all employees to download.

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The glossary serves as a reference for all English texts at the university and reflects the official terminology of the University of Stuttgart. It serves as a basis for the translation of texts into English and provides binding guidelines to ensure the correct translation of terms relating to the University of Stuttgart and everyday university life.

The updated version is now available on the corporate wording website. The glossary is available for download as an Excel file.

You can search the entire glossary for a term by pressing CTRL+F, clicking on Options and selecting "Arbeitsmappe" (Workbook) under Search. Then you do not have to search through the respective sheets individually.

Responsibility for the regular enhancement and updating of the glossary lies with the Translation Office at the university Language Center. The State Coordination Office for Translations Relating to Higher Education in Baden-Württemberg is supporting the updating process in an advisory capacity. You are welcome to submit suggestions for changes, improvements or new terms for the glossary by email.

Additional information on translation-related topics

On the Corporate Wording website, you will also find information and support on the subject of translations (German and English) at the university:

  • Guidelines for English-language texts
  • Information on the framework agreement with the translation agency Proverb
  • Information on the State Coordination Office for Translations Relating to Higher Education in Baden-Württemberg

Corporate Wording at the University of Stuttgart [de]


This image shows Johanna Bernatzky, M.A.

Johanna Bernatzky, M.A.


Translation Project (German/English)


University Communications

Keplerstraße 7, 70174 Stuttgart

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