The university-wide German-English glossary has been updated. The current version is now available online. The glossary serves as a basis for the translation of texts into English and provides binding guidelines to ensure the correct translation of terms related to the University of Stuttgart and everyday university life.
As of this semester, the translation office at the Language Center of the university will be responsible for the upkeep of the glossary going forward. The State Coordination Office for Translations Relating to Higher Education in Baden-Württemberg will continue to support the process in an advisory capacity. Change requests, improvements or new terms for the glossary can be sent to us via e-mail.
You can search the entire glossary for a term by pressing CTRL+F, clicking on options and selecting search “workbook”. This means you do not have to search the respective worksheets individually.
You can find more information about language conventions (in German and English) at the University of Stuttgart on the Corporate Wording website.