Healthy. Jointly!

Solidarity campaign in the winter semester.

"We take care of each other", is how Jan Gerken, chancellor at the University of Stuttgart, characterizes how students, researchers and employees are dealing with the corona risks in the winter semester 2020/21. The new university-wide solidarity campaign is intended to reinforce this message. Sliding images on the homepage and posters with the slogan "Healthy. Jointly!" Help to draw attention to how important it is that all members of the university adhere to the three AHA+C+L rules, namely mask, hygiene, social distancing, corona-app (also on business cell phones) and ventilate the room.

Looking back over the last months, Rector Prof. Wolfram Ressel would like to thank university members for their commitment and the willingness shown by all those who have helped to redesign everyday university life in response to this new situation. "In the first semester following the outbreak of corona, we convincingly demonstrated that it was possible to creatively adjust our study programs, research and teaching in response to the new situation. We will also be bringing this community spirit and commitment to the winter semester, thus ensuring that our university remains strong and united."

"We have the opportunity to vibrantly redesign the campus community, despite Corona"

Staff Council Chairman Ulrich Gemkow states: "only if we take care of each other and ensure that we are constantly aware of the three rules, do we have a chance of influencing and vibrantly redesigning the campus community, despite corona."

With regards to the university's students, stuvus director Christopher Behrmann also highlights the stress faced by students dealing with this completely new situation and the new conditions governing their study programs: "but the three rules give us the chance to ensure that the semester runs as smoothly as possible."

Images for the campaign

The Director of University Communications, Dr. Hans-Herwig Geyer, adds: "We hope that a lot of people will be able to engage with this campaign. That's why we are asking all university members to submit visual examples from their everyday experiences of how diverse the slogan "Healthy. Jointly!" is being experienced at the university. We will then integrate these into an image series. We are looking forward to seeing what images people send us."

Please send images to the University Communications department (please ensure that any people appearing on the images agree to them being published.)

[Photos: o.A., o.A., o.A., o.A., o.A., University of Stuttgart, University of Stuttgart, University of Stuttgart, University of Stuttgart, IRS, ARENA2036, Felix Röttgermann]

Corona information in the video from the Occupational Medical and Health Service




University Communications

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