Dr. Nadiia Huskova, Prof. Taras Melnyk, Dr. Oleksandr Solomakha and Prof. Volodymyr Svjatnyj all come from Ukraine, and they have one thing in common: They either came to the University of Stuttgart, or have stayed here, as a direct result of the dangerous conditions in their home country. In a four part series they tell us about their journey to Germany and about what has changed for them personally and their work since their arrival.
Researchers from Ukraine narrate
[Photos: private, private, private, privat]
Support from university members
Due to the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, the University of Stuttgart is strengthening its partnerships with Ukrainian universities and colleges to show solidarity and provide aid. Refugee researchers receive academic and personal counseling and support services, first and foremost through Welcome Center staff. Research residencies and exchange programs are only possible thanks to the active support and commitment shown by many university members.
People from around 130 countries research, teach and study at the University of Stuttgart. Research alliances and exchange programs allow researchers from all over the world to grow together and experience far more than just work. These activities reflect the strategic goal of the University of Stuttgart to be a worldwide recognized research university. The stories of the Ukrainian scientists show that the relationships formed are much more than just work-related. Many remain close friends even after they have returned to their home countries.
Welcome Center
The University of Stuttgart’s Welcome Center provides support for international researchers, under the direction of Raphaela Diel. The team provides advice and support in planning a research residency in Stuttgart, upon arrival and during and after your stay.

Raphaela Diel
Head of Welcome Center for international researchers
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- +49 711 685 68999
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- Please schedule an appointment by e-mail or phone for a personal online or face-to face consultation.
University Communications
Keplerstraße 7, 70174 Stuttgart

Jacqueline Gehrke
Online Editor