Time: | March 13, 2025, 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. |
Event language: | German |
Meeting mode: | in presence |
Venue: | CampusGuest Room U32.101 Universitätsstr. 32 |
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9:30 a.m – Welcome address
9:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. – Film screening DIE UNBEUGSAMEN 2 – GUTEN MORGEN, IHR SCHÖNEN!
Fifteen self-confident women share their experiences of how patriarchy persisted even in the land of state-mandated equality, painting a powerful and multifaceted picture of gender relations in the German Democratic Republic. The film offers a captivating stage for the impressive life achievements of East German women and their fight for equal opportunities.
11:30 – 12:15 – Panel discussion
Anna Steiger (Chancellor), Prof. Judith Tonhauser (Vice-Rector for Early Career Researchers and Diversity), dr. Grazia Lamanna (Gender Equality Officer) and Prof. Susanne Vogl (Institute of Social Sciences)
From approximately 12:15 p.m. – Get-together with a light snack
The film and panel discussion will be in German. If you require a translation, please indicate this in your registration.
Registration is required to help us plan more effectively. Please let us know whether you will be attending all three program items or only specific ones. But you are also welcome to drop by spontaneously!
Other free events for women:
For students and employees (Evermood)
- 10.03.2025: Special event for International Women's Day: You are valuable! [de]
- 08.04.2025: Die Kunst des Nein sagens / The art of saying no [de]
- Individual course start: Strengthening menstrual cycle awareness: The inner 4 seasons (please switch to the English language version)
For female employees (pme Familienservice)
- 10.03.2025: Special event for International Women's Day: Self-confident as a woman in professional life [de]
The Equal Opportunities Officer and the Gender Equality Officer represent the interests of women at the University of Stuttgart. One is responsible for the areas of technology, administration and library services, the other in the areas of academic services and studies. One is responsible for technology, administration, and library services, while the other oversees academic services and studies. You can reach out to us directly using the contact details provided on our website or anonymously through the Evermood information, advice, and complaints portal.