Symposium on Systems Theory in Data and Optimization (SysDO)

September 30, 2024

Time: September 30, 2024 – October 2, 2024
Venue: University of Stuttgart
Campus Vaihingen
Pfaffenwaldring 7
70569 Stuttgart 
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The Symposium on Systems Theory in Data and Optimization (SysDO) is a three-day scientific symposium at the University of Stuttgart, organized by the Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control (IST) to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the institute.

The symposium brings together researchers from the fields of control, optimization and machine learning. Participants can expect an exciting program including keynote presentations by internationally renowned researchers (among others Dr. Anuradha Annaswamy / Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Prof. Dr. Francesco Borrelli / University of California, Berkeley, Prof. Dr. Melanie Zeilinger / Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich), spotlight presentations, and poster presentations.

The main topics of the symposium are:

  • Data-driven control
  • Sequential decision making under the consideration of uncertainties
  • Control engineering for optimization algorithms
  • Online learning for optimization and control
  • Systems theory in the field of learning

Program and registration 

SysDo Conference
[Picture: University of Stuttgart]
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