Jun-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Maria Fyta, Institute for Computational Physics

Introducing: Female researchers at the Cluster of Excellence

Jr.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Maria Fyta is researching how DNA can be decoded using nanopores and is Participating Junior Researcher at the cluster of Excellence "Data-Integrated Simulation Science".

Data-Integrated Simulation Science

Maria Fyta is participating in the Cluster as a Participating Junior Researcher. Her research focuses on the scope of project network 3 on Data-Integrated Model Reduction for Particles and Continua. The aim of her work is to perform computer simulations on very small scales in order to investigate materials. Using Machine Learning a stretching to longer and more realistic time and length scales can be achieved. In the end, by means of computer models and intelligent algorithms, her goal is to provide a deep understanding on the behavior of materials and identify pathways for a selective tuning of their properties.

Excellence Strategy for top-level research

DNA can be decoded using nanopores

The aim of the research is to carry out genome sequencing using nanopores.  These are tiny holes just nanometers in diameter that can be drilled into various materials. The DNA, which contains information about our genetic makeup, is threaded through a nanopore and the information can then be read. Simulation calculations help to optimize the nanopore materials to ensure that the decoding process is as accurate as possible.

Personal information:

Maria Fyta gained her doctoral degree in physics at the University of Crete, before embarking on PostDoc studies at Harvard University and at the Technical University of Munich. In 2012 she was appointed as a Junior Professor at the University of Stuttgart’s Institute for Computational Physics. She has been awarded a number of prizes and scholarships, including the EU Marie Curie Scholarship in 2011 (FP7–Intra-European).

Contact Jun.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Maria Fyta

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