Forscherin an der Universität Stuttgart - Dr.-Ing. Kathrin Schulte

Introducing: Female researchers at the Cluster of Excellence

Dr.-Ing. Kathrin Schulte researches the modelling and simulation of droplet Dynamics and she is participating Junior researcher at the cluster of Excellence Data-Integrated Simulation Science.

3 Questions for... Kathrin Schulte

Data-Integrated Simulation Science

Kathrin Schulte is in the Cluster of Excellence 2075 "Data-Integrated Simulation Science" a junior researcher in the project network "Data-integrated models and methods for multiphase fluid dynamics".  The project contributes to the vision of the EXC 2075 "Engineered Geosystems" by high-resolution simulations of drop-drop and drop-wall interactions on a small scale and by the deduced description of interface phenomena. The models derived from these simulations can be integrated into models on larger scales and are thus an important input for other projects. Concrete modelling examples are the determination of macroscopic evaporation rates depending on various parameters such as Reynolds and Prandtl numbers, composition of the droplets or droplet spacing from the DNS data using machine learning tools, or the modelling of the droplet impact on structured walls as a first step towards the complex description of the interaction between the porous earth subsurface, fluids and the atmosphere.

Excellence Strategy

Droplet Dynamics Under Extreme Ambient Conditions

Droplet dynamic processes play an important role in nature, for example in clouds, or numerous technical applications, such as sprays. And this is field wherein the  Collaborative Research Center Transregio "Droplet Dynamics Under Extreme Ambient Conditions" is positioned, managed by Kathrin Schulte. A deep understanding of the physics of smaller scale fundamental elementary processes, as well as knowledge of how to model these, are skills required to ensure a realistic description and simulation of these processes. For example, binary droplet collisions, the process of which depends on various physical parameters and is not yet fully understood, could be understood as an elementary process in the application of a spray.

Personal information

Kathrin Schulte studied Aerospace Engineering at the University of Stuttgart from 2003 to 2009 and received the best grade of that year for her Diploma. She has been employed as a research fellow at the Institute of Aerospace Thermodynamics (ITLR) since 2010. In the same year she also began working for the Collaborative Research Center SFB-TRR 75 “Droplet Dynamics Under Extreme Ambient Conditions”, which she has managed since 2014. In 2012 and 2013 she was awarded the “Amelia Earhart Fellowship Award” from the Zonta International Foundation, and in 2017 she obtained her doctoral degree. The title of her doctoral thesis was “Modelling of the Initial Ice Growth in a Supercooled Liquid Droplet”, for which she was awarded a distinction.

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