The Equal Opportunities Officer

She advises and supports the university administration in implementing the Equal Opportunities Act. She is the point of contact for both men and women when it comes to reconciling employees’ work and family commitments. She ensures the systematic and statutory advancement of women in areas in which they are underrepresented.


Employees in research-supporting roles can get in touch with the Equal Opportunities Commissioner about any issues you may have without making use of official channels. We advise on the following topics:

  • Equal opportunity and diversity
  • Dealing with cases of sexual harassment
  • Compatibility of career and family
You are welcome to contact us about the various subjects defined in the Equal Opportunities Act:
  • Staffing procedures
  • Gender-sensitive language in job advertisements
  • Discrimination
  • Sexual harassment
  • Conflicts, bullying
  • Working hours models
  • Caring for a dependent
  • Equal opportunities 
  • Returning to work, promotion, and professional development
  • Continuing education courses


This image shows Silvia Meyer

Silvia Meyer


Equal Opportunities Officer

This image shows Julia König

Julia König


Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer

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