Internal Audit

The Internal Audit is an independent monitoring and advisory institution belonging to the university, which as a staff office reports directly to the Chancellor.

Areas of responsibility

Internal audit

On behalf of the university's management, the Internal Audit staff office monitors and advises the university’s institutions under consideration of the principles of efficiency and economy with an aim to improving the university’s performance. The Internal Audit also monitors for compliance with legal norms and other relevant provisions.

During audits of the Regional Court of Audit of the state of Baden-Württemberg and the audit offices subordinate to it, the Internal Audit coordinates the requests, accompanies the surveys on site, evaluates the audit report and requests the statements.

Other tasks which fall within the remit of the Internal Audit include supervising the cash desk, monitoring the offices receiving payments and the petty cash as well as the financial relationships with associated institutes of the university.

The Internal Audit is independent and has a full right to information when carrying out its auditing duties.

Risk management

Due to the fast-changing environment, risks can't be avoided when carrying out university-related tasks and pursuing the strategic goals of the university. With a risk management system however, these can be recognized at an early stage and can be managed with appropriate measures.

The risk management system at the University of Stuttgart covers the regulations and measures for recognizing, assessing and managing risks to the university.

How to find us

  • Early recognition of risks to the development of the university
  • Reduction of risks using the options available
  • Performing its tasks in a results-oriented and cost-efficient way and improving performance
  • Ensuring the safety of staff as well as protecting infrastructure and the environment.
  • Supporting the university’s management with comprehensive, transparent and current risk information
  • Ensuring the good reputation of the university
  • Promoting a sense of responsibility and risk awareness among university staff
  • Avoiding damage due to misuse of the university’s infrastructure


This image shows Matthias Knapp

Matthias Knapp


Head of Department


Internal Audit

Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24 C

Marina Krahl


SAP reporting, university financial statistics, risk management

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