Pfaffenwaldring 5c
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 3.027, Schalter (counter) 8
Office Hours
Feel free to get in touch via our contact form:
or via phone or during our office hours (online or onsite).
Students A - F:
- Bachelor of Arts programs (single subject, minor and major subject)
- Master of Arts (single subject)
- Bachelor of Arts (teaching degree)
- Master of Education (teaching degree)
- State Examination for teachers (GymPo)
- Architektur und Stadtplanung
- Bewegungswissenschaft und Biomechanik
- Bewegungswissenschaft
- Chemie
- Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design
- Integrative Technologies and Architectural Design Research
- Lebensmittelchemie
- Materialwissenschaft
- Mathematik
- Physics
- Physik
- Planung und Partizipation
- Simulation Technology
- Technikpädagogik